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    Lime, Finger, Yellow

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    Lime, Finger, Yellow


    SKU: 1215 Category:

    Scientific name: Citrus australasica

    Family: Rutaceae

    Origin: E Australia

    Medicinal use: Citrus australasica, known as the finger lemon, is a shrub or small tree. The fruit is cylindrical, 4-8 cm long, sometimes slightly curved. It comes in different colors, including pink and green. The finger lime has recently been popularized as an aboriginal food. The globular pulp has been compared to a “lime caviar”, which can be used as a garnish or added to different recipes. Jams and pickles are also made from this fruit.

    44 in stock

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    Lemon, Criollo, Lime, Key

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    Lemon, Criollo, Lime, Key


    SKU: 1225 Category:

    Scientific name: Citrus × aurantiifolia

    Family: Rutaceae

    Origin: Asia and India

    Medicinal use: The Creole lemon is a lime. Citrus aurantifolia is actually a lime, it is more acidic than a conventional lemon. The fruits have 10 to 12 segments. The pulp is greenish-yellow in color, tender, juicy, very acidic, with a distinctive aroma. The fruits are small, approximately an inch to an inch and a half in diameter, and round, with a thin, smooth rind, greenish-yellow when ripe and highly aromatic.

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    Fruit orchard 6,300.00
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    SKU: 1247 Category:

    Scientific name: Litchi chinensis

    Family: Sapindaceae

    Origin: China and Vietnam

    Medicinal use: Lychee or litchi is a tropical fruit that is known as an “excellent source of sugar, protein, fiber, vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. The fruit is an ovoid, heart-shaped, or nearly round drupe about 2.5 cm in diameter or larger. The interior is formed by a translucent white juicy pulp, with a sweet and fragrant flavor. It is grown in some places as a melliferous tree, for its fruit rich in minerals (calcium and phosphorus), Vitamin C, A, B1 and B2.

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  • Mangosteen, Lemon drop

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    Mangosteen, Lemon drop


    SKU: 1105 Category:

    Scientific name: Garcinia intermedia

    Family: Clusiaceae

    Origin: Mexico and C America

    Medicinal use: The jorco (Garcinia intermedia) is an evergreen tree of the Clusiaceae family of edible fruits. They are also called mameyillo. The fruit is a spheroid capsule that measures between 2 to 5 cm long and up to 6 cm in diameter. The scarce pulp or edible part has an acid taste, said fruit is eaten ripe or raw.

    31 in stock

  • Jaboticaba

    Fruit orchard 3,750.00
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    SKU: 1050 Category:

    Scientific name: Plinia cauliflora

    Family: Myrtaceae

    Origin: S Africa

    Medicinal use: The Jaboticaba or guapurú is a tortuous-looking tree, with few branches, thick bark and a bit thorny. It has a thin and smooth skin, while its pulp is white and juicy, with a bittersweet flavor. It is consumed directly as fresh fruit, but soft drinks, jams, liqueurs, homemade vinegars and others are also prepared. It is consumed directly as fresh fruit, but soft drinks, jams, liqueurs, homemade vinegars and others are also prepared.

    38 in stock

  • Soursop

    Fruit orchard 3,750.00
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    SKU: 0900 Category:

    Scientific name: Annona muricata

    Family: Annonaceae

    Origin: Mexico and Tropical America

    Medicinal use: Annona muricata, the soursop name of Taino origin, is cultivated for its edible fruits in many countries with a tropical climate. Both the fruit and the leaves of A. muricata are attributed medicinal properties. The most widespread is that it cures cancer but does not specify what type of cancerous tumor. The fruit has a delicious sweet and sour taste, ideal to consume in juices and smoothies; but also the leaves of the graviola have medicinal properties.

    19 in stock

  • Cherry, Brazilian

    Fruit orchard 3,750.00
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    Cherry, Brazilian


    SKU: 0890 Category:

    Scientific name: Eugenia brasiliensis

    Family: Myrtaceae

    Origin: S America

    Medicinal use: Popular names: Grumichama, Brazilian cherry. S. It is a tree that reaches 15 meters in height with green, large and oval leaves, its fruits are globose black drupes with a cherry flavor that attract the local birds. Its fruits, in bunches, are eaten fresh and are also highly appreciated in jams and cakes.

    18 in stock

  • Pomegranate

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    SKU: 0876 Category:

    Scientific name: Punica granatum

    Family: Lythraceae

    Origin: Iran and India

    Medicinal use: The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a small deciduous fruit tree of the Lythraceae family, whose fruit is the pomegranate. The fruit is in a 5-12 cm balausta, spherical, leathery, reddish or reddish-yellow. Although the species is not native to Japan, it is widely cultivated in this country. Pomegranate juice is used as a natural dye in factories for non-synthetic products. The fruit is eaten fresh, grain by grain, removing the rind and bitter flakes.

    81 in stock

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    Goji berry

    Chinese, Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    Goji berry


    SKU: 0850 Categories: ,

    Scientific name: Lycium barbarum

    Family: Solanaceae

    Origin: China

    Medicinal use: It is a hedge or scrub shrub that reaches between 2 and 3 meters in height, and between 2 and 3 and a half meters in width. It has thorny branches and long, whole and somewhat thick leaves. The fruit is a fleshy ovoid berry of red or orange color. Goji berries have been attributed multiple health benefits, however various articles have questioned the scientific endorsement of these alleged virtues.

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  • Jack fruit

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    Jack fruit


    SKU: 1055 Category:

    Scientific name: Artocarpus heterophyllus

    Family: Moraceae

    Origin: India

    Medicinal use: The jack fruit also known by the name of nanjea and panapén. It is native to Indonesia, and its fruits are large, as you can see in the opening photo. A tree can produce up to 3,000 kilos of fruit per year. The inside of the fruit is yellow to orange in color, similar to mango. Its juice is slightly acidic and deeply sweet, with a flavor that is reminiscent of the mixture of mango and orange in addition to other flavors.

    22 in stock

  • Cas of Costa Rica

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    Cas of Costa Rica


    SKU: 0490 Category:

    Scientific name: Psidium friedrichsthalianum

    Family: Myrtaceae

    Origin: Mexico and S America

    Medicinal use: Cas (Psidium friedrichsthalium) is a species of tree in the guava family found mainly in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador. It is used as the base for Cas fresco or cas soda, in which Costa Ricans mix it with sugar and water and sometimes add milk to achieve a fruit-based drink with a slight acid flavor. With that same soda, it is frozen and homemade ice cream is made.

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    Passion flower

    Fruit orchard 1,900.00
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    Passion flower


    SKU: 0665 Category:

    Scientific name: Passiflora biflora

    Family: Passifloraceae

    Origin: Mexico and Tropical America

    Medicinal use: It is a climbing plant with semi-lobed leaves. It is cultivated as an ornamental plant for its beautiful flowers. Passiflora, also known as passion flowers or passion vines, is a genus of about 550 species of flowering plants, the type genus of the family Passifloraceae. Most species have round or elongated edible fruits two to eight inches long and one inch to two inches wide, depending on the species or crop.

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  • Biriba

    Fruit orchard 3,750.00
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    SKU: 0320 Category:

    Scientific name: Annona mucosa

    Family: Annonaceae

    Origin: S America

    Medicinal use: Of the approximately 65 species of the genus Rollinia (family Annonaceae), only a few bear edible fruits and among the best known is the biriba. In the Amazon, the tree can flower and bear fruit throughout the year, but the fruits are more abundant from January to June. The fruit is considered analeptic and antiscorbutic. The powder from the seeds is said to be a remedy for enterocolitis. In addition, the fruit is consumed fresh and fermented to make wine in Brazil.

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  • Cucumber tree

    Fruit orchard 4,400.00
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    Cucumber tree


    SKU: 1380 Category:

    Scientific name: Averrhoa bilimbi

    Family: Oxalidaceae

    Origin: Malesia

    Medicinal use: It is a tree that produces fruits of the genus Averrhoa, family Oxalidaceae. In the Philippines, where it is commonly found in home gardens, the fruits are eaten raw or flavored with rock salt. It can be prepared as a curry or added as an acidic agent in the Filipino dish called sinigang. Additionally, the fruit can be preserved as a pickle, which reduces its acidity. Sometimes its flowers are preserved in sugar.

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  • Sundrop

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    SKU: 0175 Category:

    Scientific name: Eugenia victoriana

    Family: Myrtaceae

    Origin: S America

    Medicinal use: Eugenia victoriana is a small South American fruit tree of the genus Eugenia. Their common names include guayabilla and sundrop. Eugenia victoriana boasts the largest fruit of all known Eugenia species. The trees develop their first flowers in their third or fourth year in the case of the fruits, they are orange in color, and have sour pulp, usually two to four large seeds.

    64 in stock

  • Grass, Palmarosa

    Essential Oil garden 2,550.00
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    Grass, Palmarosa


    SKU: 2010 Category:

    Scientific name: Cymbopogon martini

    Family: Poaceae

    Origin: S and SE Asia

    Medicinal use: This plant of the grass family is native to Indonesia, North Africa and East India. It is often used to regenerate skin and cells, but also for its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Palmarosa oil has been shown to be an effective insect repellent when applied to stored grains and legumes.

    27 in stock