• targua

    Dragon blood

    Medicinal Garden 3,750.00
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    Dragon blood


    SKU: 1855 Category:

    Scientific name: Croton draco

    Family: Euphorbiaceae

    Origin: Mexico and C America

    Medicinal use: All parts of the adult tree produce astrigent reddish latex when incised. Said latex or sap is applied directly to the gums to harden them and firm the teeth within the alveoli. Consuming Savia de Targuá helps to protect and repair the gastrointestinal mucosa. And its anti-inflammatory action helps the digestive system, acts in gastritis, ulcerative disease, ulcerative colitis, and infectious diarrhea.

    26 in stock

  • sorosi

    Melon, Bitter

    Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    Melon, Bitter


    SKU: 1815 Category:

    Scientific name: Momordica charantia

    Family: Cucurbitaceae

    Origin: India

    Medicinal use: This plant is used in the treatment of diabetes, high blood pressure, colitis and biliary disorders. In external application, its infusion is used in the treatment of soft fluids or leucorrhoea, in skin eruptions and for cleaning the skin, especially the face, in the form of a facial sauna. In high doses it can lower blood pressure and sugar content.

    19 in stock

  • sangre linda

    Beautiful blood

    Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    sangre linda

    Beautiful blood


    SKU: 1755 Category:

    Scientific name: Justicia secunda

    Family: Acanthaceae

    Origin: S America

    Medicinal use: Justicia secunda (Vahl), plant with large and showy flowers, Acanthacae family, native to temperate regions, with a very wide distribution in Central America, is used in traditional medicine, in home remedies for various purposes to prevent earache , kidney pain, sore throat and nose, it is also used to improve circulation and increase red blood cells.

    55 in stock

  • salvia virgen

    Sage, Wild Costa Rican

    Medicinal Garden 2,550.00
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    salvia virgen

    Sage, Wild Costa Rican


    SKU: 1745 Category:

    Scientific name: Buddleja americana

    Family: Scrophulariaceae

    Origin: Tropical America

    Medicinal use: It is used in dermatological problems such as hives, erysipelas, pimples, wounds and inflammation of the skin. In general, the leaves are used in cooking and fomentations are applied in the affected area; Or, it is administered orally in case of hives. It is also used in digestive disorders such as stomach pain, spasms, stomach infections, gastric problems and in conditions such as ulcers.

    53 in stock

  • ruda


    Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    SKU: 1680 Category:

    Scientific name: Ruta chalepensis

    Family: Rutaceae

    Origin: Eurasia and N Africa

    Medicinal use: This herb has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It has digestive properties, prevents stomach heaviness and heartburn, reduces gas and indigestion, stimulates biliary function and is recommended to consume after eating when the intake has been copious. It also allows you to lose weight, reduces fluid retention, stimulates the release of fatty acids and adipose tissue.

    20 in stock

  • reina de amargo 2

    Queen of the bitters

    Medicinal Garden 2,550.00
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    reina de amargo 2

    Queen of the bitters


    SKU: 1660 Category:

    Scientific name: Andrographis paniculata

    Family: Acanthaceae

    Origin: SE Asia

    Medicinal use: It has been used for centuries in Asia to treat upper respiratory infections, gastrointestinal problems, fever, sore throat among other diseases. In traditional Chinese medicine it is considered a useful herb to treat fever and to dispel toxins from the body. In Scandinavian countries it is commonly used to prevent and treat common colds.

    25 in stock

  • pichichio

    Nipple fruit

    Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    Nipple fruit


    SKU: 1570 Category:

    Scientific name: Solanum mammosum

    Family: Solanaceae

    Origin: Tropical America

    Medicinal use: Among its medicinal properties, Nipple fruit is effective to cure sinusitis. The root decoction is an excellent diuretic, it has also been used on certain occasions to combat whooping cough, applied externally to the skin can heal ulcers, burns and sores. Much emphasis must be placed and warning, the fruit is very poisonous so it should not be eaten, that is why this fruit is used as an insecticide.

    34 in stock

  • pico de pajaro


    Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    pico de pajaro



    SKU: 1575 Category:

    Scientific name: Rubiaceae

    Family: Hamelia patens

    Origin: (Sub)tropical America

    Medicinal use: The leaves, roots, flowers and seeds are used in infusion as a laxative, and as an antispasmodic in intestinal and menstrual cramps. The fresh crushed leaves have a beneficial effect against tumors, inflammation of muscles and tissues and eczema. The fresh leaves are applied directly on the affected part. The cooking of the pods is administered during the day to prevent the person from wetting the bed at night.

    59 in stock

  • oreganito false

    Oregano, False

    Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    oreganito false

    Oregano, False


    SKU: 1455 Category:

    Scientific name: Verbenaceae

    Family: Lippia micromera

    Origin: Caribbean, C and S America

    Medicinal use: Lippia micromera is traditionaly used for asthma, bronchitis, common cold, cough, flu, oliguria, to support digestion and ease stomach infections, it is eaten fresh or drunk in form of tea. Strong infusion can also be used for mouthwash. It acts as antiba

    55 in stock

  • te negro verde blanco

    Tea tree, Black-green-white

    Chinese, Culinary Garden, Medicinal Garden, Natural colorant garden 3,200.00
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    te negro verde blanco

    Tea tree, Black-green-white


    Scientific name: Camellia sinenis

    Family: Theaceae

    Origin: E, S and SE Asia

    Medicinal use: Tea (green, black, white, Pu-erh or red, yellow, oolong …) is made from this species, which is processed to obtain different degrees of oxidation. The leaves contain around 4% caffeine. The characteristics and different chemical composition of the collected leaves, according to age, produce different types of tea. The oldest leaves are dark green. The tender ones, pale green in color and with a short white pubescence on the underside are preferred.

    24 in stock

  • Out of Stock
    sauco 001

    Elderberry, American black

    Natural colorant garden 3,750.00
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    sauco 001

    Elderberry, American black


    SKU: 1765 Category:

    Scientific name: Sambucus canadensis

    Family: Viburnaceae

    Origin: N America, Mexico, C and S America

    Medicinal use: The fruit is used as medicine, wine, jelly, and coloring. It is traditionally used in the treatment of digestive disorders, diarrhea, red dysentery, with stomach pain, seats, chills, stomach pain, liver pain and constipation. In skin problems such as dandruff, clear it, rash, hair loss, measles, scabies, chilblains and burns.

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  • ruda siria

    Rue, Syrian

    Natural colorant garden 12,450.00
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    ruda siria

    Rue, Syrian


    SKU: 1685 Category:

    Scientific name: Peganum harmala

    Family: Zygophyllaceae

    Origin: E Iran to W India

    Medicinal use: Syrian rue is used in Turkey and Iran as a talismanic protection against the evil eye. In Iran it is a very widespread and frequent custom to burn the dry seeds, sometimes combined with other ingredients, as incense. The seeds are used as a medicinal remedy, in the form of tinctures. One of its traditional uses is the aphrodisiac.

    7 in stock

  • noni


    Medicinal Garden, Natural colorant garden 2,550.00
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    SKU: 1425 Categories: ,

    Scientific name: Morinda citrifolia

    Family: Rubiaceae

    Origin: SE Asia and Australasia

    Medicinal use: M. citrifolia has very diverse uses, both gastronomic and medicinal as well as agricultural. Red, purple and yellow dyes are extracted from the root and bark. Fruits and leaves are used as feed and forage in livestock. The oil extracted from the seeds is used as an insecticide. Wood is used for fuel, and in carpentry to make accessories and tools.

    14 in stock

  • Placeholder


    Natural colorant garden 2,550.00
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    SKU: 1395 Category:

    Scientific name: Moringa oleifera

    Family: Moringaceae

    Origin: NW India

    Medicinal use: The taste of moringa is pleasant and its parts can be eaten raw, especially the leaves and flowers (which are cream-colored and appear mainly in times of drought, when the tree usually loses its leaves) or cooked in various ways (for example in stews). The oil extracted from its seeds has many applications. More than a third of the content of the seeds is high quality oil, rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

    45 in stock

  • mora


    Natural colorant garden 2,550.00
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    SKU: 1080 Category:

    Scientific name: Rubus fruticosus

    Family: Moreae

    Origin: Europe

    Medicinal use: Used as a tinctorial plant. Green branches, leaves and roots can be used. They color from blackish to yellowish, going through brown and beige. The fruits provide anticyan pigment such as cyanidin, malvidin and chrysanthemum, which are sensitive to pH. The different colors that it adopts determine the degree of ripening (green, red and black, respectively).

    25 in stock

  • indigo


    Natural colorant garden 1,900.00
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    SKU: 1035 Category:

    Scientific name: Indigofera fruticosa

    Family: Fabaceae

    Origin: India

    Medicinal use: Several species, especially Indigofera tinctoria and Indigofera suffruticosa, are used to produce the dye indigo. Some other species of this group are used to alleviate pain. The herbs are generally regarded as an analgesic with anti-inflammatory activity, rather than an anodyne

    31 in stock