Plant Nursery
Welcome to the Ark Nursery where you can purchase potted herbs, flowers, medicinals, vegetables, ornamentals and fruit and wood trees. You’ll discover many exciting new plants you never knew you needed.
Just touring the nursery is an experience in itself.
Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Medicinal Plants
Today, more than ever, the use of natural elements is very popular, and with much justification. Plants harbor an enormous amount of chemicals, of curative, preventive and medicinal properties which, when consumed intelligently, can greatly help your health.
Culinary and Ornamental Plants
Our ornamental and culinary plants nursery houses plants that you will not find in any other nursery, given our emphasis on Ethnobotany.

* ¡Lo sentimos, se requiere recoger y pagar en el vivero!
*¡Las plantas se reservarán solo por 3 días!