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Chestnut, Malabar
Fruit orchard ₡3,750.00 Add to cartChestnut, Malabar
SKU: 1435 Category: Fruit orchardScientific name: Pachira insignis
Family: Malvaceae
Origin: Tropical America
Medicinal use: Pachira insignis is an arboreal species of humid tropical soils. In addition to their ornamental use, the leaves, roots, and flowers of malabar nuts are used for medicinal purposes. The chemical constituents in this are alkaloids vasicin, vasicinone, vasicinol, maiontone, and ketone essential oil.
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Fruit orchard ₡2,550.00 Add to cartPomegranate
SKU: 0876 Category: Fruit orchardScientific name: Punica granatum
Family: Lythraceae
Origin: Iran and India
Medicinal use: The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a small deciduous fruit tree of the Lythraceae family, whose fruit is the pomegranate. The fruit is in a 5-12 cm balausta, spherical, leathery, reddish or reddish-yellow. Although the species is not native to Japan, it is widely cultivated in this country. Pomegranate juice is used as a natural dye in factories for non-synthetic products. The fruit is eaten fresh, grain by grain, removing the rind and bitter flakes.
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Cas of Costa Rica
Fruit orchard ₡2,550.00 Add to cartCas of Costa Rica
SKU: 0490 Category: Fruit orchardScientific name: Psidium friedrichsthalianum
Family: Myrtaceae
Origin: Mexico and S America
Medicinal use: Cas (Psidium friedrichsthalium) is a species of tree in the guava family found mainly in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador. It is used as the base for Cas fresco or cas soda, in which Costa Ricans mix it with sugar and water and sometimes add milk to achieve a fruit-based drink with a slight acid flavor. With that same soda, it is frozen and homemade ice cream is made.
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Fruit orchard ₡3,750.00 Read moreAllspice
SKU: 1585 Category: Fruit orchardScientific name: Pimenta dioica
Family: Myrtaceae
Origin: Mexico and C America
Medicinal use: This pepper does not contain piperine, so it does not have the characteristic spicy flavor of that pepper. They have an aromatic and fresh scent reminiscent of eucalyptus or myrrh. Its nuts are used as a condiment in various dishes and can easily be combined with other spices. It is one of the most characteristic ingredients of Caribbean cuisine, it is used ground in the preparation of Mexican mole sauces and in the elaboration of curry powder.
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