Grass, Harding
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Medicinal use: Rosemary oil has antiseptic and antibiotic properties that allow it to fight bacteria. In this way, microorganisms are quickly eliminated from the wounds so that the dermis can regenerate. For this antibacterial property it is also used to make toothpastes. Thanks to its aroma, we can use it to relieve the symptoms of colds and flu by making steam with it.
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Medicinal use: Verbena oil gives us multiple therapeutic properties. One of the most prominent is its function as a regulator of blood pressure, which is ideal for hypertensive people. Among the benefits of verbena is that it is a powerful diuretic so it protects good kidney function. This property makes it also cardioprotective; since it regulates the amount of fluids in the body and prevents hypertension.
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Grass, Indian lemon
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Family: Poaceae
Origin: SE Asia
Medicinal use: Se usa en la cocina asiática, especialmente en la de Tailandia. En, es una de las hierbas más utilizadas para preparar el tereré, la bebida tradicional del país. La hierba limón crece en climas templados y cálidos. Requiere para su crecimiento la presencia de luz. De ella se obtiene un aceite esencial. Es carminativo, digestivo y para el tratamiento de flatulencia. En infusión se utiliza como tónico aromático y febrífugo.
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Sweet herb, Aztec
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Family: Verbenaceae
Origin: S Mexico and Caribbean
Medicinal use: It contains «Hernandulcina» with a sweetening capacity far superior to that of sugar. Its leaves are edible, it has a very sweet taste, they can be consumed alone or in salads, used to sweeten tea or in fruit salads, they are very common in Mexican cuisine, it is related to Mexican oregano (Lippia Graveolens). The Aztecs used it for medicinal purposes, to treat coughs, asthma and bronchitis, it was also used as a sweetener.
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