Lemon balm
Scientific name: Melissa officinalis
Family: Lamiaceae
Origin: Mediterranean and S Europe
Medicinal use: This plant, consumed regularly always under the supervision of your doctor, can help improve some health problems. It is widely used to reduce anxiety and stress, relaxing us and improving the quality of our sleep. Melissa can help fight nerve problems, which is why it is commonly used to treat stress, anxiety, and nervousness.
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Medicinal use:The uses of arracacha are very similar to those of potatoes. This tuber is used in South American gastronomy to prepare various dishes, soups, stews, meatballs, cakes, gnocchi, purees and garnishes. The arracacha provides a special flavor and color to the dishes. The young stalks can be consumed in salads. Given its nutritional value, the consumption of arracacha is recommended in the diet of children, the elderly and convalescent.
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