• Pinkfringe

    Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    SKU: 0445 Category:

    Scientific name: Arthrostemma ciliatum

    Family: Melastomataceae

    Origin: Tropical America

    Medicinal use: The main uses of this plant in traditional Mexican medicine are: to treat diabetes, urinary problems, venereal diseases (gonorrhea), as a diuretic and against kidney cancer. The tender stems are edible. Several species belonging to the genus Costus are used as food, paper or medicine in various tropical regions of America, Asia and Africa.

    18 in stock

  • Brahmi, Wather hyssop

    Medicinal Garden 2,550.00
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    Brahmi, Wather hyssop


    SKU: 0335 Category:

    Scientific name: Bacopa monnieri

    Family: Plantaginaceae

    Origin: Tropics and Subtropics

    Medicinal use: This plant has a number of uses in medicine. It is a traditional treatment for epilepsy and asthma. It has antioxidant properties, in reducing the oxidation of fats in the blood. It is one of the most widely used natural nootropics with proven effects to stimulate memory, cognitive ability, and brain health. Human studies show plant extract has anti-anxiety effects

    7 in stock

  • Out of Stock


    Medicinal Garden 2,550.00
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    SKU: 0330 Category:

    Scientific name: Borago officinalis

    Family: Boraginaceae

    Origin: W and C Mediterranean

    Medicinal use: Nowadays it is used in popular medicine as a diuretic, sudorific, against prostate inflammation, anti-stress and skin emollient. To benefit from the sudorific properties, the flowers are used, which are taken as an infusion. The leaves are used as a decoction to induce diuresis and as emollient plasters. Borage seed oil acts as an emollient and toner. It is considered beneficial for skin conditions, due to its content of niacin or nicotic acid.

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  • Bluebush

    Medicinal Garden, Natural colorant garden 1,900.00
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    SKU: 0255 Categories: ,

    Scientific name: Justicia tinctoria

    Family: Acanthaceae

    Origin: Mexico, C and S America

    Medicinal use: The “blue bush” is a very rare bush which serves as an expectorant, mosquito repellent, relieves skin problems, can be used as a bleach and also strengthens hair. The “blue bush” is also used as a medicinal herb because it fights inflammation, varicose veins and pimples. It is also good against lice and for darkening hair.

    18 in stock

  • Astragalus

    Medicinal Garden 3,750.00
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    SKU: 0240 Category:

    Scientific name: Astragalus membranaceus

    Family: Fabaceae

    Origin: China

    Medicinal use: This plant stimulates the immune system through different mechanisms of action. It increases the number of stem cells in the bone marrow and lymphatic tissue, enhances the production of immunoglobulins, and stimulates macrophages. It helps activate T cells (white cells that play a fundamental role in cellular immunity). It has also been shown to be effective in the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory infections.

    1 in stock

  • Ashwagandha

    Medicinal Garden 2,550.00
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    SKU: 0235 Category:

    Scientific name: Withania somnifera

    Family: Solanaceae

    Origin: India, N Africa and Middle East

    Medicinal use: Withania has been shown to be effective in reducing excess stress, a psycho-emotional condition that can lead to other disorders if not controlled. Due to its nature as a revitalizing plant, the one also known as orovale has been used to treat mild and specific depressive and anxious states. It is a prominent revitalizing agent, especially for the elderly, to slow down the loss of spirits and vitality, and to combat asthenia.

    51 in stock

  • Artemisia, Wormwood, Absinthe

    Medicinal Garden 2,550.00
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    Artemisia, Wormwood, Absinthe


    SKU: 0225 Category:

    Scientific name: Wormwood

    Family: Artemisia absinthium

    Origin: Eurasia and N Africa

    Medicinal use: Woormwood contains essential oils, mucilage, choline, tannin resins and other compounds that give it natural medicinal properties such as an antiparasitic, antibacterial, analgesic, anticonvulsant, antiseptic, emollient, anti-inflammatory, soothing, tonic, stimulating and aperitif plant. wormwood is also used in traditional Chinese medicine, specifically in practices performed by acupuncturists.

    4 in stock

  • Arnica of Costa Rica

    Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    Arnica of Costa Rica


    SKU: 0215 Category:

    Scientific name: Chaptalia nutans

    Family: Asteraceae

    Origin: N and S America

    Medicinal use: This herb has several healing properties. For example, it stimulates blood flow and reduces bruising, due to its anti-inflammatory and soothing action. It can also relieve bumps, sprains, and muscle pain. Its power is associated with the improvement of bone problems. In addition to this, it acts on other ailments such as: bruises in the eyes, stretch marks, acne and arthritis. Like rue, it reduces rheumatic conditions such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

    20 in stock

  • Tea tree

    Essential Oil garden, Medicinal Garden 3,200.00
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    Tea tree


    SKU: 0210 Categories: ,

    Scientific name: Melaleuca alternifolia

    Family: Myrtaceae

    Origin: E Australia

    Medicinal use: One of the most common uses for this product is to treat acne. It can be used directly on pimples and pimples to make them disappear quickly and without leaving marks. In addition, as it is a powerful antiseptic, it is ideal for healing wounds, burns and blisters. Thanks to its antifungal power, it can also be used to treat foot or nail fungus problems. It has also been shown to be effective in relieving athlete’s foot symptoms.

    39 in stock

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    Aloe, Soap

    Medicinal Garden 2,550.00
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    Aloe, Soap


    SKU: 0135 Category:

    Scientific name: Aloe maculata

    Family: Asphodelaceae

    Origin: S Africa

    Medicinal use: This plant has various medicinal uses, the main one being the ability it has to help regenerate tissues, healing, toning. Used for wrinkles, stretch marks, hair blemishes as well as having another great variety of properties. In addition, it has great nutritional contributions since it has minerals, vitamins and sugars.

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  • Basil, Holy (Tulsi)

    Essential Oil garden, Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    Basil, Holy (Tulsi)


    SKU: 0110 Categories: ,

    Scientific name: Ocimum tenuiflorum

    Family: Lamiaceae

    Origin: India

    Medicinal use: Also known as tulasi, tulsi or holy basil, it has been called the “queen of herbs” and is considered a purifying plant for the body, with numerous healthy properties, according to Ayurvedic tradition. It is a plant that is considered useful as a painkiller in periods of intense stress, it is also rich in antioxidant compounds and is also considered an excellent support for the respiratory tract, favoring the elimination of mucus.

    13 in stock

  • Basil, Camphor

    Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    Basil, Camphor


    SKU: 0095 Category:

    Scientific name: Ocimum kilimandscharicum

    Family: Lamiaceae

    Origin: Africa

    Medicinal use: Traditionally, extracts of Ocimum kilimandscharicum were used to alleviate many ailments in East Africa including treatment of colds, coughs, abdominal pains, measles, diarrhea, insect repellent, particularly against mosquitoes and storage pest control. Research undertaken on the plant’s medicinal and insecticide efficacy classifies it as an aromatic plant whose bioactive properties can find use in pharmaceutical, aroma therapeutic and pesticide industries.

    35 in stock

  • Basil, Clove

    Essential Oil garden, Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    Basil, Clove


    SKU: 0085 Categories: ,

    Scientific name: Ocimum gratissimum

    Family: Lamiaceae

    Origin: Africa

    Medicinal use: Both the leaves and the oil have antiseptic and stimulating properties, with numerous medicinal applications. This herb can be prescribed as an antipyretic, or to expel intestinal worms, particularly in children. It is also given for headaches, diarrhea, dysentery, postpartum complications, and impotence. It can also be applied externally in cases of rheumatism and lumbago.

    17 in stock

  • Mugwort, American

    Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    Mugwort, American


    SKU: 0045 Category:

    Scientific name: Artemisia ludoviciana

    Family: Asteraceae

    Origin: N America

    Medicinal use: Mugword is known to improve the performance and health of the digestive system. Thanks to its components such as absinthe and anabsintin, digestion can be significantly improved by stimulating the digestive system. It is considered one of the best natural antibiotics. Wormwood has also been used as an adjunct in liver and gallbladder problems. Increases the secretion of bile juices, decongesting the liver and improving its functions.

    6 in stock

  • Motherword, common

    Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    Motherword, common


    SKU: 0040 Category:

    Scientific name: Leonurus cardiaca

    Family: Lamiaceae

    Origin: S Africa

    Medicinal use: Among the variety of uses in medicine can be highlighted. Antiarrhythmic: Used to mediate tachycardia and accelerated palpitations. Cardiotonic: That allows to regulate blood pressure in cases of people with high pressures. Sedatives: Used to aid in anxiety or insomnia problems of neuronal origin, Oxytocic: Which promotes the release of oxytocin and causes contractions in the uterus. It can be used for menorrhagia and metrorrhagia (abnormal vaginal bleeding caused by abnormalities).

    5 in stock

  • Tamarind

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    SKU: 1850 Category:

    Scientific name: Tamarindus indica

    Family: Fabaceae

    Origin: Africa

    Medicinal use: Tamarind is the fruit of the tree of the same name and is a highly demanded food in Asian and Latin American cuisine. The tamarind fruit has a rigid pod, where its pulp is surrounded by strings that must be removed. We must remove the threads to clean the pulp of the tamarind. It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins of groups B, C and E. It is used for medicinal purposes thanks to its laxative properties.

    54 in stock