• Motherword, common

    Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    Motherword, common


    SKU: 0040 Category:

    Scientific name: Leonurus cardiaca

    Family: Lamiaceae

    Origin: S Africa

    Medicinal use: Among the variety of uses in medicine can be highlighted. Antiarrhythmic: Used to mediate tachycardia and accelerated palpitations. Cardiotonic: That allows to regulate blood pressure in cases of people with high pressures. Sedatives: Used to aid in anxiety or insomnia problems of neuronal origin, Oxytocic: Which promotes the release of oxytocin and causes contractions in the uterus. It can be used for menorrhagia and metrorrhagia (abnormal vaginal bleeding caused by abnormalities).

    5 in stock

  • Tamarind

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    SKU: 1850 Category:

    Scientific name: Tamarindus indica

    Family: Fabaceae

    Origin: Africa

    Medicinal use: Tamarind is the fruit of the tree of the same name and is a highly demanded food in Asian and Latin American cuisine. The tamarind fruit has a rigid pod, where its pulp is surrounded by strings that must be removed. We must remove the threads to clean the pulp of the tamarind. It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins of groups B, C and E. It is used for medicinal purposes thanks to its laxative properties.

    54 in stock

  • Sapote, White

    Fruit orchard 3,750.00
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    Sapote, White


    SKU: 2020 Category:

    Scientific name: Casimiroa edulis

    Family: Rutaceae

    Origin: Mexico and C America

    Medicinal use: The white sapote (Casimiroa edulis) is a kind of medicinal plant. Its fruit is a drupe, they are 6 to 10 cm wide and rich in vitamins A and C are yellowish with a sweet white pulp, resembling an apple and have between 2 and 5 seeds. In Central America and Mexico, the leaves and fruits and all the seeds are considered hypnotic, at least sedative and analgesic.

    16 in stock

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    Cherry, Surinam

    Culinary Garden, Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    Cherry, Surinam


    SKU: 1615 Categories: ,

    Scientific name: Eugenia uniflora

    Family: Myrtaceae

    Origin: S America

    Medicinal use: The different parts of the pitanga tree have digestive, diuretic, and antidiarrheal properties. Due to their digestive properties they can be used to relieve gas, heartburn, gastritis, reflux and dyspepsia. The fruit appears and ripens quickly, up to three weeks after flowering. It is an oblate berry, with a persistent calyx. The skin is thin and slightly acidic, protecting a red, very juicy, sweet pulp.

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  • Out of Stock


    Fruit orchard 3,750.00
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    SKU: 1585 Category:

    Scientific name: Pimenta dioica

    Family: Myrtaceae

    Origin: Mexico and C America

    Medicinal use: This pepper does not contain piperine, so it does not have the characteristic spicy flavor of that pepper. They have an aromatic and fresh scent reminiscent of eucalyptus or myrrh. Its nuts are used as a condiment in various dishes and can easily be combined with other spices. It is one of the most characteristic ingredients of Caribbean cuisine, it is used ground in the preparation of Mexican mole sauces and in the elaboration of curry powder.

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  • Papaya

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    SKU: 1536 Category:

    Scientific name: Carica papaya

    Family: Caricaceae

    Origin: Mexico and C America

    Medicinal use: Carica papaya is a very rich shrubby fruit of the genus Carica in the family Caricaceae. Its fruit is commonly known as papaya, papayón, olocotón, papayo, mamón, milky or milky. The fruits have a smooth texture and an oblong shape, and can be green, yellow, orange or pink. The fruit is usually consumed raw, without its peel and its seeds. The unripe green papaya fruit can be eaten in salads and stews.

    10 in stock

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    Palm, Acai

    Fruit orchard 6,300.00
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    Palm, Acai


    SKU: 1520 Category:

    Scientific name: Euterpe oleracea

    Family: Arecaceae

    Origin: S America

    Medicinal use: The date palm appreciated for the nutritional properties of its fruit. Its consumption dates from pre-Columbian times and it is a very important food in the Amazonian diet. The fruit of this palm tree is edible and is consumed in the form of drinks, sweets, and ice cream. For every 100 g, the pulp of the fruit contains 8.1 g of protein; 52.2 g of carbohydrates (including 44.2 g of fiber).

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  • Chestnut, Malabar

    Fruit orchard 3,750.00
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    Chestnut, Malabar


    SKU: 1435 Category:

    Scientific name: Pachira insignis

    Family: Malvaceae

    Origin: Tropical America

    Medicinal use: Pachira insignis is an arboreal species of humid tropical soils. In addition to their ornamental use, the leaves, roots, and flowers of malabar nuts are used for medicinal purposes. The chemical constituents in this are alkaloids vasicin, vasicinone, vasicinol, maiontone, and ketone essential oil.

    79 in stock

  • Mulberry, Black

    Culinary Garden, Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    Mulberry, Black


    SKU: 1390 Categories: ,

    Scientific name: Morus nigra

    Family: Moraceae

    Origin: Asia

    Medicinal use: Morus nigra, is a tree species belonging to the Moraceae family, native to southwestern Asia. The edible fruit is purple-black, the fruit is refreshing and can be consumed directly or made with jam, syrups or drinks. Blackberries are rich in vitamin C. Blackberry syrup has been used as a gargle against inflammation.

    32 in stock

  • Passion fruit, Maracuya

    Fruit orchard 1,900.00
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    Passion fruit, Maracuya


    SKU: 1310 Category:

    Scientific name: Passiflora edulis

    Family: Passifloraceae

    Origin: S America

    Medicinal use: Passion flower (Passiflora edulis) is a climbing plant, typical of South and Central America; specifically, it is considered native to the Amazon of Peru, its edible fruit, yellow or purple, is the passion fruit. The passionflower fruit is an oval or round berry, between 4 and 10 cm in diameter, fibrous and juicy, covered with a thick, waxy, delicate and inedible rind. The pulp has a lot of little seeds.

    9 in stock

  • Lilli pilli

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    Lilli pilli


    SKU: 1305 Category:

    Scientific name: Syzygium luehmannii

    Family: Myrtaceae

    Origin: New Guinea and Australia

    Medicinal use: Syzygium luehmannii, also known as riberry, small-leaved pilly lilly, satinash cherry, alder cherry. The tree can reach up to 30 meters in height in the forest, the berry has an acid taste similar to that of the blueberry, which has a hint of cloves. The fruit is commonly used to make a distinctive jam, and is also used in sauces, syrups, and jams.

    2 in stock

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    Lemon, Sweet

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    Lemon, Sweet


    SKU: 1226 Category:

    Scientific name: Citrus × limon

    Family: Rutaceae

    Origin: Asia and India

    Medicinal use: Citrus × limetta is a kind of citrus. It has a multitude of common names, such as sweet limetta, Mediterranean sweet lemon, sweet lemon, sweet lime and / or simply lime. The sweet lemon has irregular branches, and a relatively soft, greyish-brown wood. The sweet lemon fruit is edible and contains essential oils. The tree for its part is used as an ornamental and as a pattern for grafting.

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  • Kaffir lime

    Culinary Garden, Essential Oil garden, Fruit orchard 7,500.00
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    Kaffir lime


    Scientific name: Citrus hystrix

    Family: Rutaceae

    Origin: China and New Guinea

    Medicinal use: The kaffir or kafir lime (Citrus hystrix) is the fruit of a citrus plant native to tropical Southeast Asia. The kaffir lime, an exotic fruit still little known but essential in many Asian cuisines, especially in Thai. The fresh leaf is thick and somewhat hard, so it is usually added whole to cooking sauces, stews, soups or curries.

    52 in stock

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    Lime, Finger, Yellow

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    Lime, Finger, Yellow


    SKU: 1215 Category:

    Scientific name: Citrus australasica

    Family: Rutaceae

    Origin: E Australia

    Medicinal use: Citrus australasica, known as the finger lemon, is a shrub or small tree. The fruit is cylindrical, 4-8 cm long, sometimes slightly curved. It comes in different colors, including pink and green. The finger lime has recently been popularized as an aboriginal food. The globular pulp has been compared to a “lime caviar”, which can be used as a garnish or added to different recipes. Jams and pickles are also made from this fruit.

    44 in stock

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    Lemon, Criollo, Lime, Key

    Fruit orchard 2,550.00
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    Lemon, Criollo, Lime, Key


    SKU: 1225 Category:

    Scientific name: Citrus × aurantiifolia

    Family: Rutaceae

    Origin: Asia and India

    Medicinal use: The Creole lemon is a lime. Citrus aurantifolia is actually a lime, it is more acidic than a conventional lemon. The fruits have 10 to 12 segments. The pulp is greenish-yellow in color, tender, juicy, very acidic, with a distinctive aroma. The fruits are small, approximately an inch to an inch and a half in diameter, and round, with a thin, smooth rind, greenish-yellow when ripe and highly aromatic.

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    Fruit orchard 6,300.00
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    SKU: 1247 Category:

    Scientific name: Litchi chinensis

    Family: Sapindaceae

    Origin: China and Vietnam

    Medicinal use: Lychee or litchi is a tropical fruit that is known as an “excellent source of sugar, protein, fiber, vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. The fruit is an ovoid, heart-shaped, or nearly round drupe about 2.5 cm in diameter or larger. The interior is formed by a translucent white juicy pulp, with a sweet and fragrant flavor. It is grown in some places as a melliferous tree, for its fruit rich in minerals (calcium and phosphorus), Vitamin C, A, B1 and B2.

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