Irish Moss
Scientific name: Sagina subulata
Medicinal use:
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Verbena, Mint Lemon
Essential Oil garden, Medicinal Garden ₡1,900.00 Add to cartVerbena, Mint Lemon
SKU: 1115 Categories: Essential Oil garden, Medicinal GardenScientific name: Lippia alba
Family: Verbenaceae
Origin: Tropical America
Medicinal use: The essential oil of lemon/mint verbena, when extracted, contains a high concentration of powerful antioxidant components, including verbascoside, nerol, geraniol, and citral. This oil has multiple uses, whether for cleaning, in the kitchen, in aromatherapy and for massages. However, the most common use for the lemon verbena plant is in the form of tea.
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Grass, Indian lemon
Culinary Garden, Essential Oil garden, Medicinal Garden ₡1,900.00 Add to cartGrass, Indian lemon
SKU: 2005 Categories: Culinary Garden, Essential Oil garden, Medicinal GardenScientific name: Cymbopogon flexuosus
Family: Poaceae
Origin: SE Asia
Medicinal use: Se usa en la cocina asiática, especialmente en la de Tailandia. En, es una de las hierbas más utilizadas para preparar el tereré, la bebida tradicional del país. La hierba limón crece en climas templados y cálidos. Requiere para su crecimiento la presencia de luz. De ella se obtiene un aceite esencial. Es carminativo, digestivo y para el tratamiento de flatulencia. En infusión se utiliza como tónico aromático y febrífugo.
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SKU: 1375 Categories: Chinese, Essential Oil garden, Medicinal Garden, Natural colorant gardenScientific name: Achillea millefolium
Family: Asteraceae
Origin: Eurasia
Medicinal use: It has antipyretic, anticonvulsant, diuretic, estrogenic, uterotonic, hypotensive, nematocidal, virucidal (hepatitis B virus), hepatic protective, choleretic, antimicrobial, antibacterial action, In internal use, it is indicated in loss of appetite, hyposecretory dyspepsia, gastritis, digestive spasms, . It is grown for its leaves that are consumed in salad or as vegetables. In perfumery it is used for soaps, moisturizers, after-sun and toothpastes.
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Grass, Lemon
Chinese, Culinary Garden, Medicinal Garden ₡1,900.00 Add to cartGrass, Lemon
SKU: 2000 Categories: Chinese, Culinary Garden, Medicinal GardenScientific name: Cymbopogon citratus
Family: Poaceae
Origin: SE Asia and E India
Medicinal use: It is used in Asian cuisine, especially in Thailand. In, it is one of the most used herbs to prepare tereré, the traditional drink of the country. Lemon tea, also known as lemon grass or zacatillo, is a citrus-scented plant native to India which is rich in antioxidants that help to relieve pain. One of the most important properties of this plant is that it helps lower the cholesterol level due to its antihypercholesterolemic properties.
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