Yelow Yarrow
Scientific name: Achillea lilipendulina
Medicinal use:
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Family: Asphodelaceae
Origin: S Africa
Medicinal use: It is frequently found in smoothies, lemonades, juices, in yogurt or in gelatin desserts. It is ideal for making very digestive sweet and salty sauces. Apart from desserts, it can also be added to most stews and soups. It is also used to relieve skin ailments and treat burns and wounds and even skin infections.
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Grass, Lemon
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SKU: 2000 Categories: Chinese, Culinary Garden, Medicinal GardenScientific name: Cymbopogon citratus
Family: Poaceae
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Medicinal use: It is used in Asian cuisine, especially in Thailand. In, it is one of the most used herbs to prepare tereré, the traditional drink of the country. Lemon tea, also known as lemon grass or zacatillo, is a citrus-scented plant native to India which is rich in antioxidants that help to relieve pain. One of the most important properties of this plant is that it helps lower the cholesterol level due to its antihypercholesterolemic properties.
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Family: Valerianaceae
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Medicinal use: Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) essential oil has an earthy scent that promotes a feeling of relaxation and calm, easing any concerns. Diffusing it before going to bed or applying it to the soles of the feet with a gentle massage after an intense day can help to enjoy a moment of calm due to its relaxing properties.
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Grass, Indian lemon
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SKU: 2005 Categories: Culinary Garden, Essential Oil garden, Medicinal GardenScientific name: Cymbopogon flexuosus
Family: Poaceae
Origin: SE Asia
Medicinal use: Se usa en la cocina asiática, especialmente en la de Tailandia. En, es una de las hierbas más utilizadas para preparar el tereré, la bebida tradicional del país. La hierba limón crece en climas templados y cálidos. Requiere para su crecimiento la presencia de luz. De ella se obtiene un aceite esencial. Es carminativo, digestivo y para el tratamiento de flatulencia. En infusión se utiliza como tónico aromático y febrífugo.
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