• Verbena, Mint (Carvona)

    Essential Oil garden 1,900.00
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    Verbena, Mint (Carvona)


    SKU: 1110 Category:

    Scientific name: Lippia alba

    Family: Verbenaceae

    Origin: Tropical America

    Medicinal use: Verbena oil gives us multiple therapeutic properties. One of the most prominent is its function as a regulator of blood pressure, which is ideal for hypertensive people. Among the benefits of verbena is that it is a powerful diuretic so it protects good kidney function. This property makes it also cardioprotective; since it regulates the amount of fluids in the body and prevents hypertension.

    10 in stock

  • Incense

    Essential Oil garden 2,550.00
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    SKU: 1030 Category:

    Scientific name: Tetradenia riparia

    Family: Lamiaceae

    Origin: S Africa

    Medicinal use: Tetradenia riparia is a species of flowering plant in the mint and sage family Lamiaceae. It is commonly used as a decorative garden plant due to its flowers when in full bloom. The essential oil of its leaves has an antimalarial content. It is one of the most popular herbal remedies in Rwanda and has been used across its range to treat coughs, malaria, diarrhea, dengue fever, headaches, toothaches, and some other ailments.

    4 in stock

  • Ylang Ylang

    Essential Oil garden 2,550.00
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    Ylang Ylang


    SKU: 1025 Category:

    Scientific name: Cananga odorata

    Family: Annonaceae

    Origin: Phillipines and Indonesia

    Medicinal use: The fragrance of ylang-ylang is rich and deep with notes of gum and cream, and hints of jasmine and neroli. The essential oil of the flower is obtained by distillation of the flowers and they are separated in different degrees according to when the distillates are obtained. Ylang-ylang essential oil is used in aromatherapy. It is believed to improve hypertension, normalize sebum secretion in problem skin, and is considered an aphrodisiac.

    50 in stock

  • Jasmine, Night-blooming

    Essential Oil garden 2,550.00
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    Jasmine, Night-blooming


    SKU: 1010 Category:

    Scientific name: Cestrum nocturnum

    Family: Solanaceae

    Origin: Mexico and S America

    Medicinal use: It is used as an ornamental in gardens due to the fragrance of its flowers. The fruit is a globose berry, up to 7-10 mm long, white; with seeds 3-6 mm long. It is a shrub cultivated in gardens for its aromatic flowers, it belongs to the Solanaceae family. The extract of the plant has been used by the population as an antispasmodic, against skin eruptions and especially, in epilepsy.

    64 in stock

  • Sweet herb, Aztec

    Essential Oil garden 1,900.00
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    Sweet herb, Aztec


    SKU: 0970 Category:

    Scientific name: Lippia dulcis

    Family: Verbenaceae

    Origin: S Mexico and Caribbean

    Medicinal use: It contains «Hernandulcina» with a sweetening capacity far superior to that of sugar. Its leaves are edible, it has a very sweet taste, they can be consumed alone or in salads, used to sweeten tea or in fruit salads, they are very common in Mexican cuisine, it is related to Mexican oregano (Lippia Graveolens). The Aztecs used it for medicinal purposes, to treat coughs, asthma and bronchitis, it was also used as a sweetener.

    37 in stock

  • Ether

    Essential Oil garden, Medicinal Garden 4,400.00
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    SKU: 0740 Categories: ,

    Scientific name: Aloysia spp

    Family: Verbenaceae

    Origin: Mexico

    Medicinal use: It is mainly used and known to relieve stomach ailments. It is digestive and useful in case of lack of appetite, since it stimulates the appetite. Increases the production and elimination of bile, which is favorable in cases of liver problems. It is an antiseptic for the stomach, popularly it has been used to fight and eliminate intestinal parasites. It is emmenagogue, that is, it regulates and promotes menstruation.

    45 in stock

  • Cardamom

    Essential Oil garden 3,750.00
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    SKU: 0470 Category:

    Scientific name: Elettaria cardamomum

    Family: Zingiberaceae

    Origin: S India and Sri Lanka

    Medicinal use: This aromatic spice not only adds rich flavor to dishes, but also offers a variety of health benefits. Cardamom is a spice that serves to alleviate pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids, because of its anti-inflammatory power that will also help us better deal with possible infections that occur in the body. In many cultures, cardamom is known as “the queen of spices.”

    44 in stock

  • Bay Rum

    Essential Oil garden 6,300.00
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    Bay Rum


    SKU: 0296 Category:

    Scientific name: Pimenta racemosa

    Family: Myrtaceaee

    Origin: Caribbean and S America

    Medicinal use: Obtaining bay-rum oil is achieved by steam distillation with rum from the malagueta leaves of trees that are at least five years old. This oil works as an analgesic, antidepressant, sedative, expectorant, anti-rheumatic, anticonvulsant, anti-neuralgic and astringent.

    19 in stock

  • Angelica

    Chinese, Essential Oil garden 3,750.00
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    SKU: 0155 Categories: ,

    Scientific name: Angelica archangelica

    Family: Apiaceae

    Origin: Europe and Syria

    Medicinal use: It is full of benefits and properties, it is carminative, expectorant, diuretic, antispasmodic, stimulant and stomach tonic. It is an effective remedy to treat cases of bronchitis, to calm the cough and for cases in which colds and flu are accompanied by fever. Because it is rich in essential oils with carminative properties, it comes in handy in case of gas, or intestinal colic, as well as to expel flatulence.

    4 in stock

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    Almond, Beach

    Essential Oil garden 2,550.00
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    Almond, Beach


    SKU: 0125 Category:

    Scientific name: Terminalia catappa

    Family: Combretaceae

    Origin: SE Asia

    Medicinal use: It develops to a wingspan of 35 m, with a crown of symmetrical horizontal branches directed upwards. The fruit is edible, with a slightly acid taste. Due to its richness in active principles, the leaves (and even the bark) are used in various traditional medicines. The wood is red, solid and very resistant to water; It is used in Polynesia to make canoes. Using the leaves to loosen the pericarp can be a strategy to avoid its bitter taste.

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  • Grass, Indian lemon

    Culinary Garden, Essential Oil garden, Medicinal Garden 1,900.00
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    Grass, Indian lemon


    Scientific name: Cymbopogon flexuosus

    Family: Poaceae

    Origin: SE Asia

    Medicinal use: Se usa en la cocina asiática, especialmente en la de Tailandia. En, es una de las hierbas más utilizadas para preparar el tereré, la bebida tradicional del país. La hierba limón crece en climas templados y cálidos. Requiere para su crecimiento la presencia de luz. De ella se obtiene un aceite esencial. Es carminativo, digestivo y para el tratamiento de flatulencia. En infusión se utiliza como tónico aromático y febrífugo.

    49 in stock

  • Yacon

    Culinary Garden 2,550.00
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    SKU: 1990 Category:

    Scientific name: Smallanthus sonchifolius

    Family: Asteraceae

    Origin: SW America

    Medicinal use: Yacon leaves have medicinal properties, as they contain a hypoglycemic substance that is responsible for reducing the concentration of glucose in the blood and also acts as a relaxant and anti-stress. It increases the production of insulin from the pancreas, thus lowering blood sugar levels.

    23 in stock