Santolina, Lavender cotton
Scientific name: Santolina chamaecyparissus
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Grass, Indian lemon
Culinary Garden, Essential Oil garden, Medicinal Garden ₡1,900.00 Add to cartGrass, Indian lemon
SKU: 2005 Categories: Culinary Garden, Essential Oil garden, Medicinal GardenScientific name: Cymbopogon flexuosus
Family: Poaceae
Origin: SE Asia
Medicinal use: Se usa en la cocina asiática, especialmente en la de Tailandia. En, es una de las hierbas más utilizadas para preparar el tereré, la bebida tradicional del país. La hierba limón crece en climas templados y cálidos. Requiere para su crecimiento la presencia de luz. De ella se obtiene un aceite esencial. Es carminativo, digestivo y para el tratamiento de flatulencia. En infusión se utiliza como tónico aromático y febrífugo.
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Sweet violet
Essential Oil garden, Medicinal Garden ₡1,900.00 Add to cartSweet violet
SKU: 1985 Categories: Essential Oil garden, Medicinal GardenScientific name: Viola odorata
Family: Violaceae
Origin: Europe-Asia
Medicinal use: The essential oil of this plant is used to make violet cream liqueur, which also has cinnamon and vanilla, purple in color and 36º graduation. The flowers have been consumed in salads and sweetened in pastries. They also make ice cream flavored with the flowers. It has external uses as a healing agent, in cleaning suppurating wounds, ulcers, dermal eruptions and conditions.
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Basil, Camphor
Medicinal Garden ₡1,900.00 Add to cartBasil, Camphor
SKU: 0095 Category: Medicinal GardenScientific name: Ocimum kilimandscharicum
Family: Lamiaceae
Origin: Africa
Medicinal use: Traditionally, extracts of Ocimum kilimandscharicum were used to alleviate many ailments in East Africa including treatment of colds, coughs, abdominal pains, measles, diarrhea, insect repellent, particularly against mosquitoes and storage pest control. Research undertaken on the plant’s medicinal and insecticide efficacy classifies it as an aromatic plant whose bioactive properties can find use in pharmaceutical, aroma therapeutic and pesticide industries.
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Verbena, Mint Lemon
Essential Oil garden, Medicinal Garden ₡1,900.00 Add to cartVerbena, Mint Lemon
SKU: 1115 Categories: Essential Oil garden, Medicinal GardenScientific name: Lippia alba
Family: Verbenaceae
Origin: Tropical America
Medicinal use: The essential oil of lemon/mint verbena, when extracted, contains a high concentration of powerful antioxidant components, including verbascoside, nerol, geraniol, and citral. This oil has multiple uses, whether for cleaning, in the kitchen, in aromatherapy and for massages. However, the most common use for the lemon verbena plant is in the form of tea.
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